Here are some of the most popular questions we get. We highly recommend you to go through all of them to get a clear image of a working process. If you still have questions for us, please don't hesitate to contact us!
Are all samples used in the ghost tracks 100% royalty free?
Yes all sounds inside track are originally produced by me and 100% royalty free /include vocals/. You dont need any special contract with singers or me.
What formats do you offer?
All sounds are recorded in WAV 44.1 kHz, 24-bit. I use DAW ABLETON LIVE so project is in ALS format. If you need any different format, premaster version etc. just let us know.
How looks track structure?
Usually we used structure Intro, Breakdown, Build, Drop A,B , Breakdown, Build, Drop C,D, Outro. Lengths could be 4 or 8 bars of each part it depend on track. Each track have guaranteed length 3min and 30 seconds as minimum.
Best way is contact us and discuss about genre of track. We need youtube link which kind of track do you need. We will send you short demo example and when you accept it we will finish track and render all files for you. After than we will send you full ZIP file for download.
How to place order for EDM GHOST PRODUCTION/CATALOG?
Just follow website and check out catalog of tracks. When you find track which you like just click Add to cart and follow instructions for direct download.
How to order samplepacks?
Just follow website and check out catalog of samplepacks. When you find samplepack which you like just click Add to cart and follow instructions for direct download.
For downloading exclusive TECHNO and TECHHOUSE samplepacks follow this link
In what language we could communicate?
English, Czech or Slovak.
Still have any questions?
Please send us your specific questions true our contact section.